Sunday, 19 February 2012

complete list of all facebook emoticons / smileys | Fb emoticons

Do you know facebook?? just kidding lolzz.
We all use facebook as a social networking website and chat with online people with its chat service. It's our life's part as a daily routine. But  very less people know all facebook smileys. 
Well it is very simple to send smileys in facebook chat.You have to just enter a code and it will automatically convert into a smiley.I am providing here a complete list of smiley codes that can be used on facebook.Even if you already use or know some of the codes even then you will find this list very useful becuase you will find a lot of new codes.

Use these codes..

Please comment and subscribe on your email address..

bold and underline in facebook chat | facebook tricks

In my last  post i wrote about facebook smileys . Now i am going to tell you how to write bold and underline text in facebook chat.

Now here are the facebook codes for sending bold and underlined text in facebook chat.

For Sending Bold Text
  • whatever you type between * *(two stars ) will automatically turns into bold.
  • Example : You write I *love* you.
  • Turns to
  • love you
For sending underlined Text
  • Whatever you type between _ _(two underscores) will automatically turns into underlined text
  • Example: You write
  • I really _love_ you
  • Turns to
  • I really love you
For writing Bold+Underline
  • Whatever you type between *_ _* will automatically turns into Bold+Underline
  • Example:
You *_love_* it?
Turns to
You love it?
if you like this post please comment. and subscribe

facebook magical tricks | play with your fb page

facebook magical tricks | play with your fb page 


This is a simple facebook trick. Those who know JavaScript and document object model(DOM) can easily understand this trick. This is really cool trick and trusted too. feel free to use it. 
If you know DOM and JavaScript, you can modify this code for any website you like..
Here i am showing you two magical tricks which are really funny. Try and have fun

you will not be able to copy anything from the page to prevent content theft. so download these javascript code from he link given .

CODE 1: EDIT facebook page and write anything you want

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Paste this code to your address bar and the click on any text. Now you  will see a cursor on the web page. You can erase anything from the page or type anything on the page. Edit face book page and write what you want to write on the facebook page.
have fun 
TO stop this:  press F5 or click on refresh

Download script here:
CODE 2: image trick

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Paste this code to your address bar and press enter. You will see the effect of this magical trick. All images of your web page will start revolving randomly on the page..
have fun 
TO stop this:  press F5 or click on refresh

Download script here:

if you like these tricks please do comment and give me your feedback.



It gets quite boring to keep updating your status using text when voice can express things so much better. That’s where this amazing Facebook application comes in, which lets you update your status, post voice messages on your friends walls and send voice messages to people.

The application is called MyMic and you’ll have to allow it access to your Facebook profile to make use of all it’s features. Just visit the application page and start using MyMic to send short voice messages or update your status. There is however a time limit for use of this service. You’ll only be able to record a message or status that is about 20 seconds long for free, but you can record a minute long message by paying for the service.

This application is child’s play, and very use to use. All you need is a microphone and something to speak into it!! Once your message is recorded, the application will ask you if you want to send it to a friend or just put it up as your status. Once you choose that you’ll be asked whether you’d like to post this new application on your wall and promote it, also you can customize settings such as who can see your Voice update.

Try it out, it’s a fun little app. And your friends don’t have to install anything to listen to your Voice message. It’s that simple.

facebook special symbols for status and chat

Today i am going to give you a list of some special symbols of facebook. You can use these symbols to make your status and chat impressive. only copy and paste these symbols to your status or chat.

List of special symbols

♥☺ ♬ ☻ ☹ ✉ ☼ ✩ ♨ ♫ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☎ ✔ ☛ ☚ ✂ ✎ 

☪ ✁ ✃ ✡ ☢ ❥ ❂ © ® ™ € ¥ £ ƒ $ ∑ « » ≤ ≥ * § & 

≈ ß ◊ √ µ ¶ † • ≠ å ø π ı % æ Æ œ ¿ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ 

♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ☬ ☫ ☨ ♙ ♟ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ 

♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♅ ♇ ♆ ☭ ☮ ☯ ☥ ✖ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ✽ ✺ 

✵ ☒ ☑ ☠

How to like stories on your wall in facebook at one click

Do you know? you can like all stories on your wall at one click in facebook. I know its foolish to like all the stories without knowing what they are. But many people do it for fun. And i saw many people who really like all the stories which they see on the wall.
But assume how much time it will take to go on each story and like it. It will take time and effort. 
But I have a nice tool which can save your time and effort both. If you have Google chrome web browser, you can do it at a click. If you do not have Google chrome Browser, you can download it a click.

Now open Google chrome and click on the link below
this is the Google chrome extension named as Like All. Install it in your browser.

Now go to your wall and click on the like button at the top rightof your browser.
Now you have liked all the stories at a click

How to capture a web page screenshot with Google Chrome

Many times we need to capture the screenshot of the webpage. Suppose you want to show some errors to your friend or any thing else. In these cases, we need to take screenshot of the web page. You can also take screenshot of the page by using "Prnt scrn" button on the keyboard. But it can only capture the current screen. It will not capture page after scroll. So is there any permanent solution?
Yes, you can do this if you are accessing the website on the Google chrome. There are some Google Chrome extensions which can help you in taking screenshot of the web page. You can capture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, blur sensitive info, one-click.
First of all go to the link:

Install the chrome extension on your web browser. 
Then you will see a capture button on the top right corner of the page.

Open the webpage and click on the icon. You will see a popup menu with capture options.
You can capture the visible part or the entire web page. After clicking on the desired menu item. You will see the image editor with the captured image. You can edit the image and then done.
After clicking on the done, you can either save the image to the local hard drive or copy to clip board. Now you have the image, use it as you want.

How to know the date of Gmail account creation

Gmail is one of the most popular free email service. I am sure, you also have a gmail acccount too. Do you know the exact date when you have created your Gmail account? I know its hard to remember. I also do not know exact date. But you can easily get the date of your Gmail account creation. 
You can find it by 2 methods.

1. When a new Gmail account has been created, it sends 3 emails to the inbox. You can search for those emails by "Gmail Welcome Mail". And that date is the exact date of your account creation. But this method is not so good.

2. The second and best way is to go to the "Gmail settings" and then "Forwarding and POP/IMAP". Here find the line saying "POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since 2/5/08 " Here this date is for my Gmail. You will see the date when you have created your Gmail account.

How to convert YouTube videos to MP3

YouTube is one of the popular website to watch and enjoy videos online. Many of use want to download those videos to our systems too. But there are also some songs which we wish to have only as MP3. In this case we download video from YouTube and then convert it into MP3 which is a long process. But you can also do this thing directly. There are some online tools which helps you download the MP3 conversion of a video from YouTube. is a free online YouTube to MP3 Website that lets music lovers download songs from YouTube, and share them directly with friends via Twitter, Facebook or Email. This website is really fast. I have also used it many times. This service is free of cost. And it does not ask for any type of registration of subscription. 

Copy the video URL which you want to convert into the text box and click on convert. Wait till it converts the video and then give you the download link

How to update facebook status on a past date

All we update our Facebook status and it shows the time and date exactly when we had posted the status. But you can also post a Facebook status for a past date. Suppose you want to post a status message for the date of 4 days back. You can also add a status update for any of the previous date you want.

You can update a status on previous date and no one can say that you have updated it just few seconds ago.
This trick only works on the new facebook profiles which are timeline profiles. In these profiles you can pin any of your update at any time you specify.

Follow these steps to post a facebook status for past date

  • Login to your facebook account.
  • Go to your profile page. You must have timeline profile to use this trick.
  • There is a straight vertical line in the middle of the page. Take the mouse pointer over the line and you will see a plus icon.
  • Click there and choose the update type you want to post.
  • Now write the status and then choose the date. You can choose any older date.
  • Then click on post.

You will see the update having an older date and time which you have made few seconds back. See the time and date it is showing just below the update.

Turn Google+ into facebook with this script

Turn Google+ into facebook with this script

It's been only some days since the launch of Google+ but many of you who switched to it may miss facebook because of its design. If you want it to feel like facebook when you are using this brand new social network, then this user script will help you. Download this facebook conversion userscript from here

It is a simple CSS hack which converts your Google plus to look like facebook home page.

The aptly named 'googleplusfacebook' userscript can be installed in Chrome natively, but also in any other browser that supports Greasemonkey scripts


To go back to the regular Google+ design, simply uninstall or disable the userscript in the browser you're using.

How to add Google plus one to facebook posts

How to add Google plus one to facebook posts

Now you can add plus button just below the ech facebook post near the like button. Google +1 button let's you recommend the stuff or articles what you read on the web to your family and friends. Now you can recommend status and other facebook updates with plus one.
Follow these steps to add plus one below each facebook updates

  1. Open Google Chrome and click on the link below
  2. This is an chrome extension +OneFB
  3. Install this chrome extension. 
  4. Now go to your facebook profile and you will see Google +1 button below every post on facebook wall.

How to put friend's profile pic in chat

All we use smiley in chat to show our expressions. These looks good and help use to show our feelings. Now facebook has rolled out a cool new feature which helps users to put profile pic of any facebook user on the chat as we put smiley.
To show the profile pic follow these steps

  1. get the username or userid of the person whose profile pic you want to show on the chat. for ex. my username is fahad4ualways
  2. Now type the userid or username in chat. Then put [[ at left and ]] at right side of the chat and press enter. Ex. [[fahad4ualways]] and press enter. 

See the magical effect of the facebook chat.

Try these cool symbols too

  • Poker face [[129627277060203]]
  • Forever Alone [[227644903931785]]
  • OK guy [[100002752520227]]
  • Me Gusta [[164413893600463]]
  • Lol guy [[189637151067601]]
  • Fuck Yeah [[105387672833401]]
  • Problem? [[171108522930776]]
  • [[218595638164996]]
  • [[100002727365206]]

Disable RightClick On Blog And Website

To prevent the contents of blog from  the other peoples that have bad actions like copied post or images, many bloggers deliberately to disable right click on their blog. Well, today I will share a blogger tutorial about how to disable right click on your blog.

To disable right click on your blog please follow the instruction bellow:
  • Login to your blogger account Or WebSite.
  • Go to Template menu, and then click Edit HTML, and click Proceed.
  • Check Expand Widget Template.
  • Find the <head> code. To make easy it, click Ctrl+F if you using Mozilla Firefox browser, and F3 if using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser.
  • Or Add A widget By Editing Layout.
  • Paste the JavaScript code just below the <head> code. This is the JavaScript code to use.
<script language=JavaScript>
var message="";

function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}
function clickNS(e) {if
(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {
if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers)
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")
// -->

Now Save It And Its Done.
Now Rightclick On Your Blog Will Give A Message To User.And Your Website Source Will Be Safe.
 But Better Than Nothing. :)

Increase Your IDM Download Speed By Using IDM Optimizer

By Using This IDM Optimizer Increase your Download
Speed and Maximize Your IDM Performance . This is a
Small Tool ,but the use of this optimizer is increase your downloading ranges and maximize your IDM .


1.This program will create a new file in the directory that
contains the name of the IDM Optimizer.exe i.eIDMMax.
inf that contains the script to go into the registry, trus-twe
aking ngutak in HKCU /software / downloadmanager for performance maksimalin IDM

2.In the registry, this script changes the value of Advanced Integration -> 1,ConnectionSpeed ​​-> 999 999, Connection
Type -> 11, Max Connections Number -> 16

3.Whereas if you find IDM Def.inf file, then script it
contains to restore settings to the initial conditions IDM

4. To apply the changes, it is necessary to restart the IDM.
Here are instructions on how to use IDM optimizer .

Follow The Instructions Below :-

1. IDM must be installed on your computer
(Note:If you dont have IDM install it from here)
2. After the IDM is installed, open the program 
3. Select Maximize Now! to optimize the performance 
of the IDM, then Restart IDM
4. Select Restore Default to return to the initial IDM
5. Restart IDM

Click Here To Download

Awesome Google Tricks & Tips Together In One Place ( Try These all and expereince a lot )

GO TO GOOGLE  and type the following:

  • Type in " Let It snow" and then  click on "i'm Feeling Lucky".[wait a sec to expereince the snow fall].

  • Type in "Google Gravity"and then  click on "i'm Feeling Lucky"[wait a sec to experience the effect of gravity].

  • Type in "elggog"and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"[the Mirror effect is on]

  • Type in " do a barrel roll" and then you expereince .... Did the Earth move for you? The image in your browser should — well, it should have done a barrel roll.

  • Type in "Who's Awesome" and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" any one can  dare to try????

  • Type in "tilt" and then you experience and that lets you visualize any web page DOM tree in 3D.

  • Type in "Who is the cutest"and  then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"[then see who is cute and beautiful/handsome]

  • Type in "Google Loco"and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"[then see what's moving]

  • Type in "LOL Limewire"and then  click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"[then see that you are as a picture]

  • Type in "Epic Google"and  then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"

  • Type in "rainbow Google"and  then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"

  • Type in "Annoying Google' and  then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"

  • Type in "Google pacman"and click on "I'm feeling Lucky"

  • Type in "Google Magic"and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky"

  • Type in "Google Heart Page" and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky".

  • Type in "Google colour[Ex: Red, Green, Pink, Yellow)" and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky".

  • Type in "Epic box" and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky".

  • Type in "sexy snape" click on "I'm Feeling Lucky".

  •  Type in "Google Sphere"and click on "I'm feeling Lucky"[then see the spinning effect]

  •  Type in "weenie google" and then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky".

Any Time Upgrade For Windows 7

Today we will tell about new trick to upgrading your
genuine windows7  any version to Home Premium or 
Professional or the most favourite Ultimate Version.
The things you have to need is
  • A genuine Windows 7 Any version
  • The magical key provided my me  
Follow The Instructions Below : -

1.First Connect Your PC to Internet.
2.Then go to your control panel  and click on Windows 
Anytime Upgrade.
3.Here you will get a window asking your anytime upgrade keys
4.Just copy paste this keys according to your version and click next 
5.Then it will verify saying its ok , click on next button
6.A new window will open saying it may take few minute
7.After few minute it will say your keys not working or something
Just close the windows and restart your PC and see the magic

Widnows 7 Home Premium:


Windows 7 Professional: 

  • VTDC3-WM7HP-XMPMX-K4YQ2-WYGJ8         
  • 6RQ9V-6GCG4-8WV2H-966GF-DQ4DW         
  • 32KD2-K9CTF-M3DJT-4J3WC-733WD

Windows 7 Ultimate:  

  • 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K2

Avast Antivirus For Your Andriod Device For Free


    Now Android has Launched the Officially
    Antivirus Tool For Your Andriod  Device.
    It Is 100% Free and best its has many kind
    of  Features. As usually we Know that the 
    Best Antivirus is  Avast Antivirus in  Pc 's 
    and Laptops . In the Andriod  device also
    Avast Antivirus works well and Detects&fix
    all viruses,mall wares and Trojans.And you
    Can install directly From Andriod Market.

   Features : -

   Virus Scanner 
   Privacy Report 
   App Manager 
   SMS/Call Filtering 
   Web Shield 
   App Disguiser 
   Anti - Theft

  Click Here To Download

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How To Know The Balance Of Any Prepaid - BSNL Number?

Hello friends!! Today I will explain about how to know the balance of anyPrepaid-BSNL number. 

As mostly friends says " I could not call you because of low balance "  or something like that , but if your friend is using BSNL number , then he/she can't cheat you from now onwards . Follow these easy steps::

  • Go to the link : BSNL Portal
  • Register here or  login  with your details.
  • After login, Click on the link : Flexi Topup Vouchers.
  • Here enter any prepaid - mobile number & select denomination between₹50 to ₹5000 in multiples of 10.

You will redirected to the page similar to the below screenshot :

Check under " Exisisting Balance And Expiry Date ".

That's all, so start checking your friend's balance now.

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