Saturday, 11 June 2011



5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx Series (except for BB 7100 and 7130)

1. Turn wireless mode off
2. Go to "Options" menu
3. Go to "SIM card"then press the jogdial to select it
4. Type MEPD (not case sensitive). You will not see text appear on screen while typing
5. It will say "Network active"
6. Press and hold the ALT key (half moon looking key on the lower left side)
7. While holding the ALT key type in MEPE (not case sensitive). You will not see text appear on screen while typing
8. When prompted enter supplied unlock code
9. After entering the code press the jog dial
10. Your phone is unlocked

Blackberry 7100, 7130

1. Turn wireless mode off
2. While on the home screen click the "Tools" icon
3. Go to "Options" menu
4. Select "Settings"
5. Go to "SIM card" then press the jogdial to select it. You should see the phone number and the SIM ID number
6. Type MEPP2 (not case sensitive). You will not see text appear on screen while typing.
Press ALT and 2 simultaneously to get number 2.
7. Enter supplied unlock code
8. After entering the code press the jog dial
9. Your phone is unlocked

Blackberry 8100 Pearl

1. Unlocking can be done without SIM card inserted
2. Turn wireless mode off
3. While on the home screen click the "Settings" icon
4. Go to "Options" menu
5. Select "Advanced options"
6. Go to "SIM card" then press the jogdial to select it
7. Type MEPP2. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
Press ALT and 2 simultaneously to get number 2.
8. Enter supplied unlock code
9. After entering the code press the trackball once
10. Your phone is unlocked
If the unlocking code is entered incorrectly the next attempt to unlock the device will be delayed for 10 seconds increments. The number of unlocking attempts is limited. When this number is reached the phone will be permanently blocked.

alternative instructions

1. Insert SIM card into the device
2. Power on the phone and turn Wireless Off
3. Go to "Settings" then "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
4. Go to "SIM card" then press the jogdial to select it
5. Type MEPPD. Please note that you will not see what you type on the screen.
6. Type MEPP2. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
Press ALT and 2 simultaneously to get number 2.
7. Enter supplied unlock code
8. After entering the code press the trackball once
9. Your phone is unlocked

alternative instructions for some Vodafone Blackberry 8100

1. Insert non original SIM card into the device
2. Power on the phone and turn Wireless Off
3. Go to "Settings" then "Advanced options"
4. Go to "SIM card" then press the jogdial to select it
5. Type MEPP2 while holding Alt, multitap enabled (hold [Alt], type [M] [ER] [OP] [OP] [TY]. Please note that you will not see what you type on the screen.
6. When prompted with "Enter Network MEP code (255 left)" on the screen, enter the 16-digit network unlock code provided for your phone, then press Enter
7. Pull the battery out of the phone
8. Switch the phone on and the phone will be automatically unlocked
If the unlocking code is entered incorrectly the next attempt to unlock the device will be delayed for 10 seconds increments. The number of unlocking attempts is limited. When this number is reached the phone will be permanently blocked.
To unblock such phone, it must be taken to a RIM service centre. No outgoing calls including emergency call is possible when the phone is blocked.

Blackberry Curve, 8800, 8300

1. Unlocking can be done without SIM card inserted
2. Turn wireless mode off
3. While on the home screen click the "Settings" icon
4. Go to "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
5. Select "SIM card"
6. Hold the ALT key while typing MEPE. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
7. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
8. Enter supplied unlock code
9. After entering the code press the trackball once
10. Your phone is unlocked
If the unlocking code is entered incorrectly the next attempt to unlock the device will be delayed for 10 seconds increments. The number of unlocking attempts is limited. When this number is reached the phone will be permanently blocked.
To unblock such phone, it must be taken to a RIM service centre. No outgoing calls including emergency call is possible when the phone is blocked.

alternative instructions

1. Turn wireless mode off
2. While on the home screen click the "Settings" icon
3. Go to "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
4. Select "SIM card"
5. While holding the ALT key type MEPD. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
6. While holding the ALT key type MEPE. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
7. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
8. Enter supplied unlock code
9. After entering the code press the trackball once
10. Your phone is unlocked

Blackberry 8700, 8700c, 8707

1. Unlocking of these models requires a SIM card inserted (active or inactive)
2. Turn wireless mode off
3. While on the home screen click the "Settings" icon
4. Go to "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
5. Select "SIM card"
6. Hold the ALT key while typing MEPE. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
7. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
8. Enter supplied unlock code
9. After entering the code press the trackball once
10. Your phone is unlocked

Blackberry 8230 Curve

1. Press the "menu" key
2. Scroll and select "Manage connections"
3. Select "Turn all connections off"
4. Press "Escape" to go back to the "Home" screen
5. Go to "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
6. Select "SIM card"
7. Hold the ALT key while typing MEPD. You will not see text appear on screen while typing. This opens up a personalization menu
8. Hold the ALT key while typing MEP2. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
Press ALT and 2 simultaneously to get number 2.
9. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
10. Enter supplied unlock code
11. After entering the code press the trackball once
12. Restart your phone and restore connections by following the first two steps
13. Your phone is unlocked

Blackberry 9000, 9500, 9530 Storm

1. Insert any sim card
2. Scroll and select "Manage connections"
3. Select "Turn all connections off"
4. Press "Escape" to go back to the "Home" screen
5. Go to "Options" menu and select "Advanced options"
6. Select "SIM card"
7. Select "Show keyboard"
8. Hold the ALT key while typing MEPD. You will not see text appear on screen while typing. This opens up a personalization menu
9. Hold the ALT key while typing MEP2. You will not see text appear on screen while typing
Press ALT and 2 simultaneously to get number 2.
10. You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code"
11. Enter supplied unlock code
12. After entering the code press the trackball once
13. Restart your phone and restore connections by following the first two steps
14. Your phone is unlocked

▲FREE Internet XTREAM VPN - Working on Airtel , Tata Docomo 3g, Idea 3g ,Globe & Smart - NEW GUI Update▲

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Bago! New!
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Xtream VPN GUI 1.0 Requirements:
1. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or Higher - if windows 7/vista ka may .net na ang PC.Lappy mo.
2. Latest TAP adapter - Update lang natin TAP by removing the
old one and adding a new one. punta lang po tayo sa Settings 
3. To be Run as Admin (windows 7/vista) para walang palya 

size: 2.2mb
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Slotland Mobile casino games - Access point names - APN

of wireless network providers

The default APN name is sometimes set to the WAP gateway. However, you sometimes need to use an Internet APN to be able to play Slotland Mobile games online on some wireless devices, especially on Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and Siemens cell phones. Here is the list of the Internet APNs for each country and its wireless network operators.

Country Wireless operator Access point name (APN)
Argentina Personal
Argentina Unifon
Australia Telstra telstra.internet
Australia Optus internet
Australia Three 3netaccess
Australia Vodafone internet
Austria Max Online gprsinternet
Austria One
Belgium Orange orangeinternet
Belgium Mobistar
Belgium Proximus
Bermuda AT&T proxy
Bermuda Mobility
Brazil Claro
Brazil Oi
Brazil TIM
Bulgaria Mobiltel (Mtel)
Canada Fido
Canada Rogers AT&T
Chile Entel PCS
Chile Telefonica GSM
China China Mobile cmnet
Croatia VIPNET
Czech Republic Eurotel internet
Czech Republic Oskar internet
Czech Republic Oskar prepaid cards ointernet
Czech Republic T-Mobile
Denmark TDCmobil internet
Denmark Orange
Eygpt Vodafone
Dominican Republic Orange Dominicana
Finland Telia Mobile internet
Finland DNA internet
Finland Sonera internet
Finland Radiolinja internet
Finland Saunalahti saunalahti
France Orange
France SFR websfr
France Bouygues Telecom
Germany D2 Vodafone
Germany E-Plus
Germany O2 internet
Germany Quam
Germany T-Mobile D1
Greece Vodafone
Greece Telestet
Greece Cosmote internet
Hungary Vodafone (Prepaid "Optimized")
Hungary Vodafone (Prepaid "Standard")
Hungary Vodafone (Postpaid "Optimized")
Hungary Vodafone (Postpaid "Standard")
Hong Kong CSL internet
Hong Kong Orange
Hong Kong New World internet
Hong Kong People internet
Hong Kong SmarTone internet
Hong Kong Sunday internet
India Orange, Hutch www
Iceland Siminn
India BPL Mobile
India Airtel
Indonesia Telkomsel internet
Ireland O2 internet
Ireland Vodafone
Israel Cellcom internetg
Israel Orange internet
Italy TIM
Italy Vodafone Omnitel
Italy Wind internet.wind
Latvia Latvia Mobile Telefone
Luxembourg LUXGSM
Luxembourg Tango internet
Malaysia Celcom
Mexico Telcel
Montenegro Monet
Netherlands T-Mobile internet
Netherlands KPM Mobile internet
Netherlands Orange internet
Netherlands O2 internet
Netherlands Vodafone (normal)
Netherlands Vodafone (business)
New Zealand Vodafone NZ
Norway Netcom
Norway Telenor internet
Pakistan UFone ufone.internet
Paraguay Personal internet
Paraguay Tigo
Philippines Smart internet
Philippines Globe
Poland Era erainternet
Poland Idea
Poland PlusGSM
Portugal Optimus internet
Portugal TMN internet
Portugal Vodafone (Telcel)
Romania Connex
Romania Orange internet
Russia BeeLine
Russia Megafon internet.nw
Russia MTS
Russia PrimTel
Saudi Arabia Saudi Telecom
Serbia-Montenegro Mobtel Srbija internet
Serbia-Montenegro Telekom Srbija gprsinternet
Singapore M1 sunsurf
Singapore Singtel internet
Singapore Starhub shwapint
Slovakia Eurotel internet
Slovakia Orange internet
South Africa MTN internet
Spain Amena amenawap
Spain Telefonica (Movistar)
Spain Vodafone airtelnet
Sweden Telia
Sweden Vodafone SE
Switzerland Swisscom
Switzerland Orange CH internet
Switzerland sunrise internet
Switzerland UMC
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom internet
Taiwan Far EasTone fetnet01
Taiwan KG Telecom internet
Taiwan Taiwan Cellular internet
Thailand AIS internet
Thailand DTAC
Turkey Avea internet
Turkey Aycell aycell
Turkey Telsim telsim
Turkey Turkcell internet
UK BT Mobile
UK Jersey Telecom pepper
UK T-Mobile
UK Tesco-Mobile
UK Virgin
UK Vodafone UK internet
UK Orange orangeinternet
Ukraine Kyivstar GSM
Ukraine UMC
USA T-Mobile
USA AT&T proxy
USA Cingular isp.cingular
USA Rogers
Venezuela Digital TIM
Vietnam MobiFone Mobi-gprs-wap

How to Download video from any site without any software ?

Hello !! friends..
You all like online video sharing sites..
You are also spend  your time to watch  favorite videos.
Like..Youtube,metacafe,myspaceare and more..
We know that some them are allowing to download videos directly..
But Youtube not allowed to download directly check this post and find out how to Download videos from this type of sites without any tool!!

But consider these few cases

-When Embedding is disabled by author.Eg: youtube -When Video is embedded in a site and you are unable to find its -When URL is masked -Videos found in minor websites that are not supported by sites like keepvid,clipnabber or others. What happens as a result,you are not able to download video or we search sites or softwares to download videos. What happens some times is that we download some unknown software bundled with malicious stuffs compromising our system and datas . Why should we take risk, when there is a more easier ,safer and sure to work means, to download any video from any Website?? Lets see how to do it..

How to Download ANY video from ANY Website?

1.It’s recommended that you have VLC or FLV player to play the downloaded video.
2.Launch your browser and play the video you want to download wait till it is entirely buffered and close the browser or the current viewing tab. Now why should you go in search of tools and softwares to download the video ,when the video you just saw is already in your hard disk! How to Download ANY video from ANY Website without any Tool! Yeah its your Browser Cache.It’s a matter of just finding the right file ,renaming and using it.
3.Visit your browser cache location.
Mozilla Firefox cache location: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Profile Name]\Cache
Example:C:\Documents and Settings\sham\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u4wz5p5f.default\Cache
Internet Explorer cache location: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
Example:C:\Documents and Settings\sham\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
Opera cache location: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\cache
Example:C:\Documents and Settings\sham\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\cache
Chrome cache location: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
Example:C:\Documents and Settings\sham\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
4.Right click and arrange icons by modified.[Arrange Icons By->Modified].The last file is your Video. You can also consider arrange by size option, video files are prone to be bigger so you can easily find it out.
5.Rename the file pressing F2 and give it .flv extension.Because most of the sites uses flv format. 6.Now play your renamed file via VLC or FLV player.Done!

Now onwards don’t go in search of tools to download video from any site ,also disabling embedding as that in youtube cannot stop you from downloading the video How to Download ANY video from ANY Website without any Tool!

So start downloading any thing and everything.If you liked this article do spread the world by bookmarking in your favorite social bookmarking sites..

10 Ways to to Protect Yourself from MObile Phone Radiation

With the World Health Organization confirming the fears established earlier, that there is “a possible connection between cell phones and two type of brain tumors: gliomas and acoustic neuromas,” or in simple words: cancer, there is an increasing sense of panic among mobile users. However there are ways that you can protect yourselves from these effects.

The effects start showing on people who constantly use their mobile phones (on an average) for at least 30 minutes daily. So the main precaution you can take is to reduce your phone usage.
Just keep these tips in mind :
  • Reduce phone usage the most you can.
  • Use headphones or hands-free kits, as they keep you away from the radiation emitted by the phones. You could also use the speaker mode while calling.
  • If available use a land-line phone.
  • Text instead of calling.
  • Keep your calls short.
  • Strive for minimal usage in areas having low signal (1 bar) such as rural areas.
  • Don’t allow small children to use mobile phones, unless necessary. Radiation may penetrate deeper due to their skulls still being in a development stage.
  • Don’t cover the area, where the internal antenna is located within your phone (mostly in the middle-back part of your phone), with your hand. When you cover it, the phone emits more waves to find a proper signal. Refer to your phone manual to check the exact position of the internal antenna.
  • Use phones having low SAR (specific absorption rate.) This is a measure of how much Radio Frequency (RF) energy the body absorbs.
  • Use a 3G phone. There are reports that state that they emit lesser radio waves to the brain.
These are some of the tips you could follow, that will surely help you in the long run.

4 sites for Torrent leech: Download Torrent with Idm

Hello dear friends,
Many people have daily habit to download torrents from different sites. We know that torrents downloading is illegal because most piracy is done on internet through torrents . Even it is most famous on internet and increasing its fan following and members day by day.
So in offices, schools, banks or any public areas there are administrative rights are disabled and they giving limited (standard) account. So some places utorrent, bittorrent like torrent applications are strictly prohibited.
On @ that situation what will you do if you want to download torrents……….?
So lets discuss about this interesting matter today.
We have 4 options.
1) Torrific : – We all know about it. So just leave it.
2) Fetch .io: – A few days before I shared this. This is also a good option. But now-a-days its also not working. The bittorrent option is currently disabled by them and their service become very slow now- a- days.
Now lets discuss about 2 new options.
3) : – is an online torrent downloader which runs entirely in your web browser. It allows you to download files using bittorrent without having to install any other third party application.
Just visit this site.

Loop Mobile Launched Exciting MMS Offer For Prepaid Users

Mumbai’s oldest GSM Mobile Service Operator Loop Mobile (formerly BPL Mobile) just made this monsoon more romantic with the launch of exciting Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) offer this rainy season for prepaid subscriber. 

Loop Mobile’s new and existing prepaid subscribers can now enjoy all local MMS just for Rs. 1 per MMS across all networks. So one can send instant crazy monsoon party Pictures & Videos or any Multimedia content to his/her friends and show them where the party is happening.
The “MMS@Rs.1″ offer is available to all prepaid subscribers in Mumbai circle by default, meant No activation needed to enjoy the service and valid up to 30th September 2011.
So start clicking, shooting and sending!! Please Note that the Rs. 1 per MMS offer is only for Local MMS and Standard rates will be applicable for National & International MMS (STD/ISD MMS).