Friday, 27 May 2011

Reliance free 3G, GPRS with Opera Mini MAY-JUNE

Many of the Reliance free net GPRS 3G users know that reliance RIM has banned all of its free GPRS tricks.But still some tricks are working,going to post it here.

Reliance free 3G, GPRS with Opera MiniFirst make the GPRS or 3G as like listed below:

Access point of the settings is rcomnet (very important)

Proxy or IP address is :

Port address should be :80

You can use this trick in Opera Mini Labs 4.2 Handler or Opera Mini 6 Modded version.

Now open the anyone above application and select proxy server type HTTP and enter the proxy server address as .

If you down all the above steps correctly you will get homepage.From the homepage enter the URL which you want to browse and download free.

You must turn your Network mode to UMTS if you want 3G speed.The 3G enabled mobile is required for getting 3G access.

You can also use this trick for Airtel Network for accessing free GPRS or 3G by changing the settings to Mobile Office.

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